Scientific and technical translation
Technical translation.
Technical translation involves apart from a notion of different technical styles (manuals, forms, user's guides, business reports, certificates, reports, technical drawings etc.), also a considerable dose of technical general culture, self-control and discipline. It takes time and great experience to understand when your understanding starts to fail you and where it is useful to ask for further clarification. Technical translations are one the most risk and failure expensive kind of translation: many contracts provide for heavy penalties in case of untimely or clumsy translations, so it is worth while to evaluate the risk/benefit ratio of each solution taken ... and to work only with professional translators who as well as your company also have much to loose in case of trouble.
I translate such documents as:
PR materials, tenders, glossaries, explanatory notes, articles from scientific and engineering journals, Requests for proposals (RFPs).
Medical translations.
Much of my work consists in the translation of pharmaceutical and clinical trials, medical records and consent formulas.